
How To Use Gandhak For Hair

Gandhaka Rasayana is an Ayurvedic medicine in herbal powder or tablet form. Information technology is used in the treatment of skin diseases, itching, chronic fever, urinary tract disorders etc


Gandhaka Rasayana  uses:

  • Information technology is used to treat chronic fever, peel diseases, diarrhoea, urinary tract disorders, pruritus, malabsorption syndrome, bleeding disorders, oligospermia.
  • It is anti aging medicine, improves digestion, skin complexion and amnesty.

Effect on Tridosha – Balances Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

Shloka- Sanskrit Poetry

Gandhaka Rasayana

Traditional Indication

Improves immunity, fertility and potency – Veeryakara
Improves nourishment – Pushtikara
Improves body force and stamina – Drudhadeha
Improves digestion strength – Vahnikara
Improves fertility in men and women – Prajakara
Reieives grey hairs – Kesha Krushnakara

Other Indications

Dhatu Kshayaja Roga – diseases arising due to depleted trunk tissues – such equally musculus wasting, tuberculosis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, leading to severe weight loss etc.
Kandu – itching
Kushta – skin diseases
Shiro roga – diseases pertaining to head, headache
Visha – toxic weather condition
For the handling of above conditions, information technology is administered for a menstruation of two months.
For the treatment of below weather condition, it is administered for a period of six months.
Atisara – diarrhea, dysentery
Grahani – Malabsorption syndrome, Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Raktadosha – blood vitiation disorders such as abscess, bleeding disorders, vascular disorders etc
Hrutshoola – pain in cardiac region, gastritis
Jeernajwara – after stages of fever
Prameha – Urinary tract disorders, diabetes
Vatavyadhi – Neurological disorders such equally paralysis, hemiplegia, neuropathy,  joint disorders etc
Koshtaroga – Intestine related disorders such as IBS, Ulcerative colitis

Dose and Duration

Gandhak Rasayan Dosage:
Traditional dose – 1 Masha – 1 gram
i – 3 grams, in one case or twice a twenty-four hours before or afterward food or as directed past Ayurvedic doctor.

Dose based on age:
Children upward to 5 years of age: not more 250 mg per day.
v – 12 years of age: 250 mg – one gram in divided doses per day.
Adults – 1 – 3 grams in divided doses per day.

How long to take?
This medicine can be safely taken for a flow of upto 2- 6 months, based on your physician's advice.

With western medicines
Seek your doctor's advice if you lot are taking this product along with other western (allopathic/mod) medicines. Some Ayurvedic herbs tin can interact with modern medicine.
If both Ayurvedic and allopathic medicines are brash together, then information technology is best to take allopathic medicine kickoff, wait for 30 minutes and and then, after a gap of 15 – thirty minutes, take Ayurvedic medicine or equally directed by the physician.

Tin can this be used while taking Homeopathic medicine?
Yes. This product does not react with homeopathic medicine.

With supplements like multivitamin tablets, Omega iii fat acids etc?
Yes. Generally, this production goes well with most of the dietary supplements. All the same, if yous are taking more one product per day, please consult your doc for an opinion.

Side Effects

Gandhak Rasayan  Side Effects:
Self medication with this medicine is strictly not recommended. Have this simply under strict medical supervision.
Take this medicine in precise dose and for limited flow of time, as advised by doctor.
Diabetic, hypertensive patients, cardiac patients, obese people, pregnant ladies, lactating mothers and children should have this medicine strictly under medical supervision.
People with diabetes should check if the product contains sugar, before taking it.
Continue out of reach and sight of children. Store in a dry cool identify.


Gandhaka Rasayanam ingredients and how to brand?
ten g fine powder of Gandhaka – Purified Sulphur
Godugdha – Cow milk
It is ground till dryness for 8 times each with the post-obit.
H2o decoction / juice excerpt of
Twak – Cinnamon – Cinnamomum zeylanicum
Ela – Cardamom – Elettaria cardamomum
Patra – Cinnamomum tamala
Nagakeshara – Mesua ferrea
Guduchi – Indian Tinospora (stalk) – Tinospora cordifolia
Haritaki – Chebulic Myrobalan (fruit rind) – Terminalia chebula
Amalaki -Indian Gooseberry- Emblica officinalis / Phyllanthus emblica
Vibhitaki – Belliric Myrobalan – Terminalia bellirica
Shunti – Ginger (rhizome) – Zingiber officinalis
Bhringaraja – Eclipta alba
Ardraka – Ginger (rhizome) – Zingiber officinalis
Sita – Sugar Syrup

Method of Preparation

Equally per classical reference, the Purified Sulphur (Shuddha Gandhaka) is ground with cow milk for three times.
Then, it is ground for 8 times with each of the following liquids.
Triphala Kashaya – water decoction of Triphala (Haritaki, Vibhitaki and Amalki)
Chaturjata Phanta – A tea prepared with Chaturjata – Cardamom, cardamom leaves, cinnamon and Nagakesar (Mesua ferrea)
Guduchi Kashaya – decoction of Indian Tinospora
Bhringaraja kashaya – decoction of Eclipta alba
Shrungavera rasa – fresh ginger juice extract.

Rigorous grinding turns the mass into fine paste.
It is rolled into pills or stored in powder grade and administered along with equal parts of unrefined carbohydrate.
But some manufacturers add sugar to the ingredients and prepare tablets or powders.

Reference and Diet Restrictions

Reference:Yogaratnakara Rasayana Adhikara 1 – 4, Rasatarangini 8th chapter

Nutrition restrictions:
Ordinarily while taking medicines with Gandhaka (Purified Sulphur) as main ingredient, below things should be avoided.
Kshara – Excess alkaline foods and medicines
Amla – excess sour foods
Lavana – backlog table salt
Kopa – anger
Vanitasukha – coitus
Dvidalani – dicotyledons
Shaka – excess green leafy vegetables.
Pitta aggravating diet and routines.

Use In Mercury Poisoning

Gandhaka rasayana for the handling of Mercury poisoning:
In ancient times, Vaidyas preparing Purified Mercury containing medicines, called Rasaushadhis were taking Shuddha Gandhaka – purified sulfur continuously. They new that
Mercury is volatile and can enter into body even with inhalation
Impure Mercury is toxic and hence the need for purification earlier administration.

Hence, many Ancient text books advise to administer Gandhaka (Sulfur) containing medicines to people who work with Mercury.

While discussing mercury poisoning, Dr Hymen states every bit below –
"The only way it tin can get out of your body is via urine, carrion, expired air, and breast milk. The major reason it is toxic to human biology is because mercury has the ability to bind to sulfur-containing molecules in the body (found in nearly every enzyme and in the mitochondria), likewise as other chemical binding sites in the cells."

"The just style to find out your total body load of mercury is to take a medication with sulfur molecules that binds to the mercury similar fly paper."

Hence, the aboriginal Vaidyas were right in using Shuddha Gandhaka on themselves and likewise administering Gandhaka containing medicines in case of Mercurial poisoning.

Gandhak rasayan is a very good way of taking Sulfur.

Another point is,
If you analyse Purified Mercury containing Ayurvedic medicines (called Rasa Aushadhis), 99 % of them accept purified Sulfur as an ingredient.
Makaradhwaja –used as heart tonic, aphrodisiac and immunity booster
Shwas Kas Chintamani Ras – used in the treatment of respiratory diseases
You can further explore many such medicines here

I am not indicating that it is the specific antidote for Mercury poisoning. But if y'all accept suffered from Mercury poisoning, information technology makes sense to talk well-nigh Gandhaka Rasayana with your Ayurvedic physician for its prescription.

Shelf Life

Two years from the date of manufacturing. If you have opened the seal of the container, better to finish the medicine within two – iii months.


It is available in powder or tablet format. It is processed with a wide range of herbal teas. For this reasons, Gandak Rasayan is the all-time way to administer Shuddha Gandhaka (purified sulphur).
It acts every bit anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti pruritic and anti inflammatory agent.
It is a very proficient blood purifier (Rakta Shodhaka), widely useful in infective disorders affecting pare such as – scabies,  Hand foot and mouth affliction, leprosy, eczema, cystic acne (with infection), tinea infection etc.

Research and Manufacturers

Research: Antifungal activity

Manufacturer: Alva Chemist's shop, Dabur, Zandu.Baidyanath, Dhootapepshwar,  Chirayu, Amrita.
Zandu – thirty tablets in a strip.
Baidyanath – 40 tablets in a jar.

Cost: 1.v – 2 rupee per tablet
Strength of the product – 300 – 500 mg tablet.

Gandhak Rasayan as ingredient in proprietary Ayurvedic medicines:
It is used as ingredient in many Ayurvedic medicines such equally
UVA Acnovin Capsule –UVA Acnovin Capsule is a proprietary Ayurvedic medicine manufactured by Vasu Healthcare pharmaceuticals, Vadodara, Gujarat. UVA Acnovin capsule promotes good for you skin and helps in various dermatological disorders.

How To Use Gandhak For Hair,


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